Friday, September 25, 2009

The Crucible- Act I & II Socratic Seminar/Live Blog

Here we go...


  1. Abigale has the manipulative personality and she manipulates and frames many people in Salem to save herself.

  2. Do you think Abigail will get accused of witch craft?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I can barley hear any one in the middle

  5. i think that elizabeth is goin to acuse abby

  6. I agree with Ally. Abagail knows how to kind of get around getting in trouble. Because she knows how to manipulate people. I think eventually she will get caught because the girls are going to turn on her and tell people what's actually been going on

  7. I think if Abigail is accused of witch craft then she will accuse more people too.

  8. I think Abigail will get accused of which craft

  9. i cant hear them either,so should we have our own seminar?

  10. evan- I think she will due to the fact that she is crazy.

  11. Evan- I don't think she will get accused and I think that is one of the reasons she was one of the first to accuse someone. So that she is one of the last people suspect.

  12. I agree with sam because of the relationship Abby has with John she will make sure she is accused and guilty of witch craft.

  13. IM not sure yet if she will get accused of witch craft.... but i think she deserves to she seems worce than a witch

  14. abby does want John so shes trying everything possible to get him back which means destoring his family and throwing liz in jail

  15. John Proctor said that the devil isn't in Salem, its vengence. I agree with him becuase it all started with Abby wanting to kill Elizabeth so she could have John to herself. Do you agree?

  16. i think Abigail can always get her way and that she wont be accused of anything in the end.

  17. Brett- Are you saying Abigail is a real witch?

  18. I think it's weird how Abagail isn't even a suspect even though she was with Mary while she made the doll.

  19. i agree with ally because Elizabeth does want john all to herself just like she said

  20. did abby plan for this big mess to happen u thik?

  21. I agree with Haley's comment because she is that kind of person that accuses someone because she wants what they have (last comment didn't post)

  22. i think sooner or later she'll take it too far, and they'll suspect her..

  23. Brett- I agree, if Abigail does get accused it will be because of her insane actions.

  24. i think abby is making the chaos work for her

  25. i think that they are going to start blaming every thing on witch craft because they dont want blame eachother

  26. i agree with ally that is what is going through the town and because no one can see the truth they blame it on witch craft which then blames other peeople and ruins lives

  27. No body wants to get hang thats why there accusing everyone else

  28. Well I think Abigail already kinda got accused but she pretty good at hiding everything so maybe later..

  29. Nile- she yells, shakes, dances naked. She is crazy for sure. What is wrong with her?

  30. I definitly think she did sam, because in the 1st scene, Abby does some like witch stuff in the forest and wanted to have John to herself and she would DO ANYTHING. she wanted this to happen so elizabeth would be accused and killed

  31. i think that once the other girls realize how much trouble they could get into and they cant accuse people anymore i think they will tell the truth about what abigail did

  32. I dont know about this book eather. it almost makes me angery reading this book and watching the acts and seeing whats really going on in salem and how the people turn on eatchother with no real proof what so ever

  33. wow way to be prepared middle part!!

  34. Brett- Don't forget she stabbed herself. I think she is caught up in her love for John and doesn't care about anyone else.

  35. What does the play say about us, as human beings? How far will we let people go before we starting crying foul and calling them out? People were being hung,for goodness sakes, so at what point should we step in?

  36. i don't think she's's an act, she knows what she's doing, she's just doing what they consider "odd" sort of like appeasing them.

  37. What role does ignorance play in the actions in Salem?

  38. I agree with Ally and Sam, Elizabeth even suspects that Abby is just accusing her to get her out of the way. Why do you think John was so hesitant to believe Elizabeth about Abby?

  39. Arthur Miller feels this way just with different cercumstances. instead of salem and witches. He's in AMERICA! and is being told hes a communist

  40. this online stuff is moving too fast, by the time i post it's like five posts behind

  41. Andrew- i agree with you when the other girls actually see what the concequences are they will tell that Abigail was the one that did it

  42. it seems like john propter is pretty well respected and looked up to so why didnt anyone listen to him when they were arresting his wife for witchcraft and he was making a pretty logical arguement about how his wife couldnt have been involved in witchcraft

  43. No one wants to step in no one wants to die thats why they blame eachother

  44. I agree with Ryan how can these people be so selfish???

  45. Ryan-i agree with u. they have no hard evidence to show that this is what is really going on. a doll does not mean anything, i mean i would have a doll back then does that make me a witch?

  46. I think they're just looking for answers to the unknown

  47. I think this play says that once we get accused we start accusing other people, like a domino effect.

  48. i forget did john proctor tell the "cops" what he new about abby?

  49. this just shows that human value is nothing to everyone and we just blame each other because no one ever wants to admit that they actually did something wrong.

  50. Well yeah isn't the world like that today??? Everyone blames someone else when something bad happens.

  51. This play is saying that us as human beings play the blame game. We are very selfish and will be throw anyone under the bus if it will save us. It was like what happend to the author with the communist acusations. People were so parrinoid that they were willing to accuse anyone

  52. @Nile
    I feel like Miller is pointing out humans need to be ignorant when it comes to confrontation. No one wants to confront anyone when they think they are doing something wrong.

  53. yess! sarah, im with you on that. It's human nature.

  54. This play reminds me of the detainees being kept at Guantanamo. They are being held without charges just like the supposed witches.

  55. it is human nature and nowadays we don't really see it as wrong, just as they did back then

  56. There are certain things in our society that people concern about too much. They need something too fullfil there day. Someting to keep them busy. Get a life for goodness sake. What things in our society today do people over analyze and poke their noses into?

  57. i think that people will generally try to find a way to get out of getting in trouble they are concerned about the consequences of their actions.

  58. IF you saw someone being blamed and punished for something they didn't do, would you step in and try to help them?

  59. i agree this is moving way fast...

    but i think this book represents all our hidden tendencies and evil desires. people go way to far just to get what they want when they want it. its crazy....

  60. ben, i agree with you. Salem is going crazy and they want answers to things nobody knows

  61. Moritz- I agree that ignorance makes for a better argument, but I think it is important to be open minded and understand both sides when in confrontation.

  62. Oh yeah that's a good point. We don't need very much proof just skin color...or naked dancing

  63. did John Proctor try to cover up for Abigail?

  64. It seems like people have tryed to step in and say no thats not the way it happend in this book but the rest of the society are like zombies and are to stupid to do other than what they are being told to belive, say, and accualy do..... the "zombies" in a sents are being controlled by a addolecent and there actions are comming from abigal witch obviously shouldnt be in control

  65. mike is saying something true in that they torture someone till they talk, like abby wasnt being tortured but she could hear what the adults were saying it was torture to hear that she might b in trouble so she confesed about what they did

  66. I would try to step in and help them if some one is accused for something they didnt do

  67. well i think we all want to believe we would step in, but it really depends on the persons integrity and if they are willing to get into trouble for what they believe

  68. @ Moritz
    i would help someone who was being accused of something they did not do, if and only if i knew forsure that they were innocent

  69. you should not be blaming someone for something they did not do especially if you know that they did not do just shows that you have to respect for yourself or no one else.

  70. I guess it would honestly depend on the situation..In some situations it can work and some it can..we can't always do anything and can't even try..but if you can help the situatiuon i would definitly try. Or at least get people behind me to help also.

  71. I agree with Brett and Andrew, at some points you need to just focus on the more important aspects of life. And then I also agree with the people getting out of trouble because they are concerned of the consequences, like a little kid blaming their other siblings to not get into trouble.

  72. Nobody wants to be the person to get a finger pointed at them, it's as if knowing that you did something wrong, but just don't want to be publicly humiliated by people finding out that you were the instigator.

  73. If I saw someone being blamed for something they didn't do then yes I would try and step in and help them but in Salem I think it would be more difficult to help because everyone is being accused for things that don't have hard evidence backing them up. So I think that if someone were to help they would get punished for doing nothing as well.

  74. Moritz asked if someone was being blamed for something they didn't do would you help them? yeah, i'd step in and do something but that's what everyone says

  75. do u think that the reason they didnt go with the flow is because they are a new town and they dont want to distress the "little box" that they live in?

  76. sometimes ill play ignorant if my parents ask me things they want to know but i dont want to tell them. but thats really the only time ill play ignorant

  77. i think thats true maria alot of these people in the crusible dont seem like they are strong people and i dont think they would put there life on the line for there belifes

  78. i would step up and try and unaccuse that person

  79. Would you still step in and help if it meant you might be accused of witch craft

  80. yeah but what if he takes one for the team, but doesn't score the run?

  81. I think that the people in the story that have the courage to stand up for a cause end up being the hero of the story which shows haw rare it is for people to act that way.

  82. so katie, your saying that even if you knew you could die because of stepping would do it? even if you got accused of witch craft? and could get hung?

  83. i think john will do something to stop the madness

  84. I think john proctor needs to grow a pair and realize that if he doesnt confess about abby, then his wife will DIE. And people respect his opinion and authority so he needs to say someonething to protect his wife, even though he will probably be an emarrisment

  85. john will forever be remembered in this book?

  86. I have to agree with Katie in the situation of Salem and it would be very hard to step up and say what you beleive because they'll think that your involved. Like i said even today that would be difficult in certain situations.

  87. i do think that john would cover up for Elizabeth because of the affair that they had
